About Us


TakaNiAjira is built around Sustainable Global Goals, aimed at solving both waste and employment challenges.

TakaNiAjira started as a Sustainable Global Goals Initiative aimed at solving waste and employment challenges, set up under Zaidi Recyclers Company in 2018. TakaNiAjira Foundation aims to strengthen financial and technical support to individuals and organizations involved in environmental management, nationally and internationally. TakaNiAjira Foundation was officially registered as non-governmental organization (Foundation) on 11th August 2022.

Become a Volunteer

We will conduct workshops on recycling, reuse and upcycling. The workshops will be targeted at children and adults. The workshops will cover a range of topics including:

We must transform every element of our take-make-waste system: how we manage resources, how we make and use products, and what we do with the materials afterwards. Only then can we create a thriving circular economy that can benefit everyone within the limits of our planet.

Our Vision

To achieve Zero Waste through the creation of sustainable decent jobs

Our Mission

To design social innovative programs and projects that contribute to proper waste management practices and create sustainable decent jobs for waste pickers and informal waste workers.

Our Values

Circular Economy & Recycling Solutions, Our Programs are designed to provide rewards to organizations and individuals who engage in waste recovery practices.

Become Volunteer

Becoming a volunteer isn't just about giving back to your community. It's also about learning new skills, making lifelong friends and being a part of the community.

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